2022-2023 Budget Proposal Report

Click here for the proposed budget.

Report 2022-2023 POALH BUDGET COMMITTEE (July 18, 2021)

The Budget Committee submitted the attached fiscal 2022-2023 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023) to the Board of Governors (BOG) at its July 21, 2021 meeting.

The committee met five times in June and July. During these meetings, the committee met with committee chairs and individuals responsible for specific line items in the budget. The objective was to evaluate the requested budget amounts. Additionally, the committee considered capital items for recommendation.


Budget reflects .2% increase over previously approved budget.

Based on our meetings w/ committee chairs, the proposed budget reflects the following changes:


Tax Revenues, Interest on Delinquent Taxes, Mill Rate

Tax revenues are budgeted at $210,100. This represents an increase of less than 1% over the existing budget.

Interest on delinquent taxes is projected to be $500.

The mill rate will increase from 4.6 mills in 2021-22 to estimated 4.73 mills in 22-23.

East Haddam Expense Reimbursement

Budget includes an anticipated reimbursement of $8K from the town of East Haddam. Currently in 21-22 East Haddam plan to be voted on July 2021.


Properties: Reduced by $4K, Recommend elimination ROW surveys. Proposed $4k reduction was reallocated by BOG. $1K to Geese mitigation, balance to property improvements.

Communications: Reduced by $1.5K. Recommend limited printing and distribution of newsletters (Kiosks and delivery as requested only, around 100 members)

Social Events: Funded @ $9.5K. $1K less than requested. Funding reflects a 58% increase, year over year.

Insurance: Reflects a 17.3% increase. Insurance was lowered by BOG via a higher deductible of $5K

Public Safety: Reduced by $.6K recommend eliminating police presence @ June/ July town meetings.

Stipends: Budget for stipends was provided by BOG.

Capital Reserves: Reduced to $10K

Geese Mitigation: Recommend $2K. This is a new line item. Request was for $5K. Budget committee felt program has value, but is in startup mode. Access to properties that can be visited is limited, overall impact is TBD.

All other categories are as requested.

Capital Reserves
The following items were recommended for approval at the annual meeting.

Bio Detention Basin: Out of pocket costs $34.1K, with $16.5K reimbursement from CT DEEP.

Dam Restoration Phase 1 and Phase 2: $316K, fully funded via special assessment.

Special assessment appears to be average roughly $500 per house. Empty lots excluded.

Assessment value will align with Grand list. Project management and funding are currently being reevaluated based on July town meeting input.. Other options are now being presented at town meeting.

All other capital items were considered, however committee focused on items related to lake preservation.


That Lake Hayward dam reconstruction move forward based on guidance received during annual town meeting.


Motion: Move to approve 2022-2023 POALH operating budget presented by BC totaling $219,800.

Motion: Move to $34.1k for construction of Bio-detention basin.

Motion: Move to fund dam restoration, either fully or by steps as proposed by Lake Hayward Dam Restoration Committee.

Respectively submitted by 2022-2023 POALH Budget Committee

David Giroux, Chair
George Daniels
Peggy Roberts
Laurie Dworak
Ed Bader, Advisor to Budget Committee